Homepages and widgets

Contract Manager homepage

The new Contract Manager homepage is a preconfigured homepage for the contract manager role. Using this homepage, a contract manager can view information about project contracts by sales office, internal sales representatives, and contract manager.

The homepage includes banner widgets and regular widgets. The context selection can be used for other widgets.

The home page combines already existing widgets such as Bids, Bids Indicator, and Contract Deliverables with new ones.

The Contract Lookup facilitates visibility of relevant contracts and can be used to drill down to LN CE.

The Contract Amounts widget shows contract, funding, and invoiced amounts of contract lines.

Contract Margin enables users to view the budgeted and forecast amount of a contract compared to the sales value and the difference as margin in a BAR chart.

The Contacts widget shows customer name and customer contact details.

Project Manager homepage

The new Project Manager homepage is a preconfigured homepage for the project manager role. Using this homepage, a project manager can view information about projects in LN Project by project office or project manager.

The homepage includes banner widgets and regular widgets.

Some existing widgets have been adjusted to the current design patterns, for example, the Ready to Start and Project Progress widgets.

New banner widgets have been added to select data in other widgets and to compare budget and forecast.

These new widgets are also available:

  • Project Lookup - provides an overview of relevant projects based on selection criteria and drillback to LN CE.
  • Project Schedule - shows project activities and focuses on the planning and execution of an activity. It shows the scheduled and actual dates, and the percentage completed. The drillback starts the Project Schedule (Gantt).