Export Data (Non-Regular) (daxch0233m000)

Use this session to run the export program to transfer data, on a non-regular basis, from LN tables to sequential ASCII files.

This session can be used to test exchange schemes that are run on a regular basis, to ensure that the export procedure functions properly.

An export on a regular basis is especially useful in a multisite environment. In these situations, it is important that no run is lost, overwritten, exported twice, or exported in the incorrect order.

The details of an exchange scheme are defined in the master data and export business objects.

Note: The export can also run as part of a batch job.

You can click Add to Job to start the Job Manager.

Field Information

Exchange Scheme

The exchange scheme code.

Note: The exchange scheme is created in the Exchange Schemes (daxch0501m000) session.
Exchange Scheme

The exchange scheme code.

Note: The exchange scheme is created in the Exchange Schemes (daxch0501m000) session.

The batch code.

Note: The batch code is created in the Batches (daxch0104m000) session.

The batch code.

Note: The batch code is created in the Batches (daxch0104m000) session.
Batch Sequence Number

The sequence code of the batch.

Note: The batch sequence code is defined in the Batches (daxch0104m000) session.
Batch Sequence Number

The sequence code of the batch.

Note: The batch sequence code is defined in the Batches (daxch0104m000) session.
Processing Type

The processing type of the export procedure.

Allowed values

New run

Use this option to start a new exchange program

Restart previous run

Use this option to restart the previous runnumber

Reprocess rejected rec's

Use this option to reprocess rejected records. LN stores the rejected records in additional files:

  • Rejected Due to Error. This file contains records that are rejected because of database related problems such as index or domain errors.
  • Rejected Due to condition. This file contains records that are rejected because return values of conditions return as false.

This option can not be used if the exchange is based on an audit procedure.

Note: The option Reprocess rejected records can only be used during an import procedure.
Continue interrupted run

Use this option to continue an interrupted exchange program. The program starts at the beginning of the table relation that was not completed. You can only restart the import if more than one batch line exists. The restart can begin at the start of an incomplete batch line. If only one batch line exists, this option is the same as a complete restart.

Overrule Batch Company

If this check box is selected, the batch companies that are defined in the Batches (daxch0104m000) session are overruled.

Overrule Batch Company

The LN company that is used instead of the batch company.

Note: This company can only be defined if the Overrule Batch Company check box is selected.
Wait for <CR> with Messages

If this check box is selected, the export program waits for a <CR> at the end of the messages. The messages remain on screen until you press enter.

If this check box is cleared, the export program continues without the interaction of the user. You can use this option for an export that runs overnight.

Start from Last Export Date/Time

If this check box is selected, the end time and date of the previous run are used as the start time and date of this run.

Note: The Start of audit range fields only have to be specified if there is no data available on the previous run in the log table.
Start of Audit Range

Enter the start date of the audit range.

End of Audit Range

Enter the end date of the audit range.

Runnumber to be Exported/Redone

The run number of the exchange scheme that is exported or redone.