Copy Exchange Scheme (daxch0201m000)

Use this session to copy exchange schemes in the same company or to other companies.

You can choose to copy selected parts or to copy the complete structure of the exchange scheme with conditions, ASCII files, ASCII file fields, ranges, table relations, and field relations for import/export.

Instead of using this session to copy existing exchange schemes you can also use parent exchange schemes in multilevel exchange schemes.

The process can also run as part of a job. Click Add to Job to start the Job Manager.

Field Information


Specifies the method that is used to copy the exchange scheme.

  • Existing target exchange schemes are deleted and overwritten.
  • If the conditions codes or relation codes used in the relations are not already present in the new exchange scheme the condition code/conversion relation code is initialized as empty.

Allowed values

Complete Exchange Scheme

The complete exchange scheme is processed. All conditions, ASCII files, ASCII file fields, batches, table relations, and field relations will be processed.


Only the structure of the batch including, table and field relations are processed.


Only the table and field relations are processed.

Copy to Company Number

Enter the number of the company to copy the exchange scheme to. The default company number is the current company number.

Note: You can also copy part of the exchange scheme.
Exchange Scheme

Enter the code of the source exchange scheme.

Exchange Scheme

Enter the code of the Target exchange scheme to copy the Source exchange scheme to.

The target and source exchange scheme cannot be identical if the company number in the field Copy to Company Number is the same as the current company.

Note: Existing exchange schemes are overwritten

Enter the code of the source batch.


Enter the code of the target batch to copy the source batch to.which the exchange scheme will be copied.

The target and source batch cannot be identical if the company number in the field Copy to Company Number is the same as the current company.

Note: Existing batches are overwritten
Table Relation (Import)

If this check box is selected, you can define a range of table relation (import) to be copied.

Note: This check box can only be selected if in the Copy field Relations is selected.
Table Relation (Import)

Enter the number of the source table relation (import).

Table Relation (Import)

Enter the number of the target table relation (import).

Table Relation (Export)

If this check box is selected, you can define a range of table relation (export) to be copied.

Note: This check box can only be selected if in the Copy field Relations is selected.
Table Relation (Export)

Enter the number of the source table relation [Export].

Table Relation (Export)

Enter the number of the target table relation (export).