Query (dmqry0501m000)
Use this session to create, edit, print, or view a query. Each query depends on an object defined in ODM. This session enables you to select the object and create a new query for that object. By default, a query string is created for each query. The user can run the query at this stage. Adding object attributes and qualifying them with conditions enhances the query mechanism. All these conditions act as a constraint for that particular query on that object. If you run the query, the results of the objects that satisfy the constraints already given by the user appear.
Queries can be of the following types:
- Base Query: The default setting. The base queries run directly on the object on which the query is defined. The results are filtered on the conditions specified
- Previous Query: You can also run a query on one of the query's previous runs. To run a query on the previous run, set the query type to previous query. If you run the query, the user is prompted to select a previous run of the query, which is treated as the input for the current execution.
- Linked Query: Two or more queries can be linked and executed together. To achieve this, you can make the type a linked query. You can define linked queries in the Complex Conditions (dmqry0507m000) session.
In the Query (dmqry0501m000) session, you can group queries by an object. Click to browse the required object. You can also enter an object directly by selecting from the menu. To create a new query, click from the menu.
Specific menu options:
- Query Conditions (dmqry0502m000): Enables you to define the conditions of the query.
- Run Query: Enables you to run the query.
- Previous Runs (dmqry0503m000): Enables you to display the previous query runs for a query.
- Browser: Enables you to open a tree browser that graphically displays the attributes of the query.
When you run a query, you must store the result set. If you click
, the query results are stored and can be retrieved at any point in time. After the query run is complete, you can view the results.- Display: Displays the results in the Query Instance Links (dmqry0506m000) session.
- Report: Displays the Reports Repository (dmcom0124m000) of the main query object type with the Query field and with the current query.
- Native Session: Displays the results in the main session of the main query object. The session is filtered based on the query result set.
- Display Summary: Displays the run number and the number of records retrieved for the condition.
- Cancel: If you click this option, the dialog box closes.
- Native Session: Displays the main session of the object type on which the query is based.
- Object
The object ID that acts as an identifier. The query instance is defined for the object.
- Object
The name of the object.
- Query
The query ID that acts as the identifier. If object masks have been configured for queries, the query Identifier field is generated automatically according to the mask.
- Query Description
The description of a query.
- Query Type
The types of query. Query can be of the following types:
- Base: This query is an independent query that is performed for specific query conditions defined for a query.
- Linked: This query has a reference to another base query.
- Previous: The previous option is shown only if the query has any previous runs. If the query is made to be previous, the next run on the query must be on the data retrieved by the selected previous run from the run time window that appears during a query execution.
- User
The creator of the query.
- Creation Date
The creation date and time of the query.
- Modified By
The name of the user who has modified the query.
- Modification Date
The modification date and time of the query.
- System Defined
This is a special option available to define confidential or reusable queries. Marking of this value to true makes the query a system query. Only users with proper authorizations can modify or delete the system queries.