Business Functions (tgbrg2500m000)

Use this session to display and maintain (a library of) business functions that you can use to build business-function models.

You can create business-function models in the following sessions:

  • Business Functions by Reference Model (tgbrg3570m000)
  • Business Functions by Project Model (tgbrg4570m000)

For a better view on the hierarchy of business functions, go to the Specific menu and click the Business Function Browser command. A browser is started where you can expand and collapse the business function structure.

By means of-clicking the double-circels you can expand or collapse the business function structure.

By means of-clicking a single circle (lowest level in the hierarchy) the details of the business function will be displayed.

Field Information

Current Modeling Version

current modeling version

Business Function

business function



External Code

external code


The description or name of the business function.

Parent Business Function

The business function that is one level above the current business function in the business-function hierarchy.

For a better view on the hierarchy of business functions, go to the Specific menu and click the Business Function Browser command. A browser is started where you can expand and collapse the business function structure.

By means of double-clicking the double-circels you can expand or collapse the business function structure.

By means of double-clicking a single circle (lowest level in the hierarchy) the details of the business function will be displayed.



Diagram Status


Repository Help

If this check box is selected, a Help text is available, which provides you with further information about the business function.


If this check box is selected, the business function can no longer be used in this version.