Payment slips - overview

LN supports the processing of payment slips.

You can attach payment slips to the following types of invoices:

  • Sales invoices
  • Service invoices
  • Project invoices

If you use payment slips, the following procedures can be distinguished:

  1. Print payment slips with the invoices that you send to your customers.
  2. Receive a bank file from the bank and match the payments made through payment slips.
  3. Receive payment slips together with purchase invoices from your suppliers.
  4. Prepare and send a payment file based on payment slips to the bank.

These procedures are implemented in the following modules:

  • 现金管理
  • 应收帐款模块
  • 开票- 开票

The payment slip setup details vary by country. You can set up and process payment slips if LN supports the requirements in your country.

For details about the requirements in Switserland, refer to Swiss payment slips.

The payment slip reference line in 开票

For electronic processing at the bank, the payment slips must contain a payment slip reference line, which contains the information LN requires to close the related open entry. In LN, the payment slip reference line contains the following components:

  • The invoice amount
  • Two checksum digits
  • The invoice document's transaction type and document number
  • The company ID
  • The pay-by business partner code
  • The bank account number or postal account number

The payment slip reference line must be numeric. If you set up payment slip processing, ensure that the codes used to generate the payment slip reference line are all numeric, for example, the transaction type, and the business partner code.