登记类型 (tctax2510m000)




  • 在概念激活 (tcemm4600m100) 进程中,扩展的登记管理设置为活动
  • 在全局登记参数 (tctax2100m000) 进程中,按征税国家/地区登记设置为活动
  • 在登记参数 (tctax2100m000) 进程中已选中多个登记类型复选框。
  • 在全局登记参数 (tctax2100m000) 进程中,登记(非税)字段设置为活动


The code of the registration type.


如果选中此复选框, Infor LN uses the tax registration type for tax registration.


This field is displayed only if:

  • The 登记 (非税) field is set to 活动 in the 全局登记参数 (tctax2100m000) session.
  • The 按征税国家/地区登记 field or the 扩展的登记管理 field is other than 不活动 in the 全局登记参数 (tctax2100m000) session.

The default jurisdiction level applicable for the registration type.


Jurisdiction Level

  • 国家/地区

    The registration type can be defined at the country jurisdiction level. This is the default value.
  • 州/省

    The registration type can be defined at the state/province jurisdiction level. This value is displayed only if the 可选州/省级别管辖权 check box is selected in the 全局登记参数 (tctax2100m000) session.

This field is displayed only if the 可选州/省级别管辖权 check box is selected in the 全局登记参数 (tctax2100m000) session.

You can clear the 可选州/省级别管辖权 check box in the 全局登记参数 (tctax2100m000) session only if this field is set to 州/省.


If a check mark is displayed, this registration type can be used in all the countries.

使用税务标识验证 Web 服务

如果选中此复选框, Infor LN uses the webservice URL to verify the registration identification numbers for this registration type. This verification process is applicable for both Own and the Business Partner tax registrations.


By default, this check box is cleared.

税号 Web 服务 URL

The tax number webservice URL that is used to verify the registration identification numbers for this registration type.