Print Where-Used Applications (in Enterprise Modeler) (tgbrg5461m000)

Use this session to print information about the occurrences of applications in business processes and support applications.


A group of model items that share some characteristics, such as the customer, owner, and effective date.

Print Applications Where Used

If this check box is selected, ERP prints the applications that meet both of the following conditions:

  • The applications fall within the range of applications that you specified.
  • The applications are linked to business processes or support applications that fall within the ranges that you specified.
Print Applications That Are Not Used

If this check box is selected, ERP prints the applications that meet all of the following conditions:

  • The applications fall within the range of applications that you specified.
  • The applications are not included as an activity in any business process.
  • The applications are not linked to any support application.
Note: The range of business processes and the range of support applications that you specified is not considered.
Print Applications That Are Not Found

If this check box is selected, ERP prints the applications that meet both of the following conditions:

  • The applications do not occur in the Applications by Component (tgbrg5155m000) session.
  • The applications are still linked to business processes or support application that fall within the range that you specified.
Note: The range of applications that you specified is not considered.