Component Applications by Support Applications (tgbrg5160m000)

Use this session to list the support applications that you can display and maintain in the Component Applications by Support Applications (tgbrg5160s000) details session.

Support Application

One or more applications that can be linked to a business process or an activity to help the employee carry out the process/activity. Note that a support application can contain both applications and other support applications.


The description or name of the support application.


A group of model items that share some characteristics, such as the customer, owner, and effective date.


The description or name of the version.


A number that determines the sequence in which records are displayed in an overview session or list box.


The type of application.


A set of applications and their related data.

Component Release

The identification of the issue of a component.


The code of the application or (child) support application that is included in the (parent) support application.

Application Authorization

The level of authorization a user with the right role has when he wants to use the selected application or support application in a run time environment.