Process XML Responses (lpesp2209m000)

Utilize essa sessão para process the XML file response of the Spanish Tax Authority (AEAT) saved in the inbox directory defined in the Spanish Parameters (lpesp0100m000) session. The connector saves the Spanish Tax Authority AEAT response in the Inbox directories defined in the Spanish Parameters (lpesp0100m000) session. This session updates only those transactions which are selected in the Select SII Transactions (lpesp2206m000) session and for which the XML file has already been generated and sent to the tax authorities. The records are updated based on the following response:

  • Correcto: The generated transaction is updated with Status set to Accepted and the Código de verificação de segurança (CSV) is updated.
  • Incorrecto: The generated transaction is updated with Status set to Rejected and the Mensagem de erro is updated.
  • Aceptado con errores: The generated transaction is updated with Status set to Accepted with Errors and the Código de verificação de segurança (CSV) and ‘ Mensagem de erro is updated. This response type is not applicable for consignment transactions.

If the XML response is successfully processed, the XML file is removed from the inbox directory defined in the Spanish Parameters (lpesp0100m000) session and placed in the archive directory.


The code of the financial company.


A descrição ou o nome do código.

Purchase Invoices

Se esta caixa de controle estiver selecionada, the purchase invoices are updated.

Sales Invoices

Se esta caixa de controle estiver selecionada, the sales invoices are updated.

Special Cash

Se esta caixa de controle estiver selecionada, the payment documents related to purchase invoices with operation type Código set to ‘07’ (Special Cash Regime) in the Listas de códigos (lpgen0110m000) session, are updated.


Se esta caixa de controle estiver selecionada, the consignment transactions are updated.