To set up electronic VAT and European Sales Listing declaration

This functionality is specific for Portugal.

To set up the master data for the tax declaration, take the following steps:

  1. In the Belastingaangiftekop (tfgld1620m000) session, create the VAT declaration master. Enter the file name and the path of the ASCII file.

  2. On the Belastingposities per belastingaangiftekop (tfgld1121m000) tab, on the appropriate menu, click Initialiseren. LN creates the declaration layout. For each field to be entered, LN creates a separate line. For some lines, default values are available. In other fields, you must enter a value.

    You must especially create tax positions for the VAT declaration amount fields that are applicable to your business. A tax position groups the tax codes that contribute to a specific declaration amount and links the tax codes to the box on the tax declaration.

  3. In the Belastingposities (tfgld0120m000) session, create the required tax positions, and the links to the tax codes by country. Next, select the tax positions in the VAT declaration lines on the Belastingposities per belastingaangiftekop (tfgld1121m000) tab of the Belastingaangiftekop (tfgld1620m000) session.
  4. To complete the VAT declaration master, supply the required tag contents. For each VAT declaration master line for which the Gebruikersspecifieke tag-inhoud checkbox is selected, you must manually enter a fixed tag content in the Belastingposities per belastingaangiftekop (tfgld1121m000) session.

    Leave all other fields in the Belastingposities per belastingaangiftekop (tfgld1121m000) session unchanged, except if other changes are required for changed formats and so on.