Convert Illegal Codes (tgbrg1900m000)

Use this session to correct illegal codes of model items that were created in Baan releases prior to Baan 5.0. As a result of domain restrictions, codes that were legal in earlier ERP releases must be converted if you want to use the model items in ERP5.0c and future releases.

This session checks all codes that appear within the range of companies that you have specified, and converts illegal codes to legal codes.

Conversion procedure

The logical expression for restricted codes is: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]

This means that a restricted code must start with a letter, and can only be followed by 0 or more letters, digits and underscores.

The conversion of the illegal codes is dealt with in this way:

  • Illegal characters that are not on the first position of a code are replaced by an "_".

    For example; code MPU-08 becomes MPU_08 after conversion.

An illegal character on the first position of a code is converted in this way:

  • The digit 1 is converted to the letter A, the 2 to B, etc. The digit 0 is converted to the letter J.
  • All other invalid characters are converted to the letter Z.

    For example: Code 2000 becomes B000 after conversion. Code [0000] becomes Z0000_ after conversion.

Field Information

Convert Illegal Codes

If this check box is selected, illegal codes that occur in the range of companies that you have selected, are converted to legal codes according to illegal coding conversion procedure.

Delete Illegal Codes

If this check box is selected, the illegal codes that occur in the selected range of companies are deleted after conversion.