Impression de l'état Z5 (tfcmg3455m000)

Cette fonctionnalité est spécifique à l'Allemagne.

Cette session permet d'imprimer un état des règlements en devise étrangère et de générer des fichiers CSV à télécharger sur la Deutsche Bundesbank.

Sections d'état

Pour les groupes de tiers Affilié, LN génère des fichiers CSV pour les sections de d'état suivantes :

  • Section de reporting 81-86 pour les tiers internes qui sont parents dans la hiérarchie des tiers.
  • Section de reporting 87-92 pour les tiers internes qui sont enfants dans la hiérarchie des tiers.
  • Section de reporting 93-98 pour les tiers internes qui sont frères dans la hiérarchie des tiers.

Pour les groupes de tiers Non affilié, LN génère un fichier CSV pour Section de reporting 41-46.

Les sections sont regroupées par pays et par devise.

Sélection par

The selection criteria for the report.


The fiscal year and period for which you print the report.

The report includes all claims and liabilities up to that period.

Date de document

The document date for which you print the report.

The report includes the documents with document dates up to and including the specified document date.

Convertir totaux négatifs en totaux positifs

When you generate CSV files to be uploaded to the Deutsche Bundesbank, you must select this check box.


If you select this option and Imprimer les détails du document, printing a report will take additional time.

Options d'état

Si cette case est cochée, the report shows the amounts of the individual payment documents.

Si cette case n'est pas cochée, the report only shows the total amounts per business partner and country.


If you select this option and Convertir totaux négatifs en totaux positifs, printing a report will take additional time.

Arrondis aux milliers

Si cette case est cochée, the amounts in the report are rounded to thousands.

  • Differences may occur between the totals on a report for which this option was selected and the totals on a report that has no rounded amounts.
  • Amounts in generated CSV files are always rounded to thousands.
  • This check box is only available if Imprimer les détails du document is cleared.
Exporter dans fichier
Récapitulatif d'exportation

Si cette case est cochée, you can specify file locations for the CSV files to be uploaded to the Deutsche Bundesbank.

Affiliated Business Partners
Section de reporting 81-86

The reporting section for internal business partners that are parents in the business partner hierarchy.

In the Save As dialog window, browse to the file location and accept the defaulted file name ( z5report_export.1.csv), or specify a different name.

Section de reporting 87-92

The reporting section for internal business partners that are children in the business partner hierarchy.

In the Save As dialog window, browse to the file location and accept the defaulted file name ( z5report_export.2.csv), or specify a different name.

Section de reporting 93-98

The reporting section for internal business partners that are siblings in the business partner hierarchy.

In the Save As dialog window, browse to the file location and accept the defaulted file name ( z5report_export.3.csv), or specify a different name.

Tiers non-affiliés
Section de reporting 41-46

The reporting section for external business partners.

In the Save As dialog window, browse to the file location and accept the defaulted file name ( z5report_export.4.csv), or specify a different name.