Entity Type Relationships (tgerm3500m000)

Use this session to list the entity relationships which you can display and maintain in the Entity Type Relationship Details (tgerm3100s000) session.

Current Modeling Version

The version you currently use to create and modify model items.


A reason of relevance for associating entities of one or two entity types.


A group of model items that share some characteristics, such as the customer, owner, and effective date.

FromEntity Type

The first entity type in the entity-type relationship.


The entity-type relationship between an order and an order line is a 1:N relationship. An order is related to one or more order lines. Vice versa, an order line is related to one only order. In this 1:N relationship the order is the first entity type.


The description or name of the entity type.

ToEntity Type

The second entity type in the entity-type relationship.


The entity-type relationship between an order and an order line is a 1:N relationship. An order is related to one or more order lines. Vice versa, an order line is related to only one order. In this relationship the order line is the second entity type.


The description or name of the entity type.


If this check box is selected, text is available that provides you with further information about the entity-type relationship.


If this check box is selected, the entity-type relationship has expired as the version it is in is no longer valid.