Query Conditions (dmqry0502m000)

Use this session to specify the condition for processing a query. This session can be invoked in two ways:

  • From the Data Management Queries and Reports menu
  • From the Specific menu in the Query (dmqry0501m000) session

To enter a new query condition, click New on the File menu, and enter the parameter values.

You can also specify one or more query conditions for each query, using the query connectors And or Or.

Each record in this session represents a condition on the query object for a specific query instance. Each query condition consists of a connector, an attribute, an operator, an optional system parameter, and a value. If the system parameter is selected, click the browse arrow to select the system parameter from the System Parameters (dmcom0125m000) session.

Note: Use the Group command to change the object type and query, if required.

The object ID that acts as an identifier. The query instance is selected for the object type and the conditions for a query can be defined.


The query ID which acts as identifier for the query. The conditions are specified for the query selected here.


The condition connector that represents the logical connection of a query condition with the earlier conditions.

Note: The first condition is blank by default. From the second condition connector onwards, the accepted values are either And or Or.

The object attribute, which is the actual object of table field name. Attributes enable you to link the query conditions by using the two connectors, such as AND, OR. If the query object type is Change (CH), the object attribute must be cpid instead of dmchm011.cpid. You can either specify an attribute or click the browse arrow to select the field from the Table Fields (ttadv4529m000) session. After you specify the object attribute, the attribute's description appears. To select an attribute you want to include in the condition, use the browse arrow in the Internal Name column, and select the required attribute.


The logical operator quantifies the object attribute with a comparison operator. Select an operator from the drop-down list. The following table shows the usage of the available operators.

Operator Syntax Int. / Long Float / Double Enum Date String
= / <> Single String Value Value Enum Description utc format Single String
> / >= Single String Value Value Enum Description utc format Single String
</ <= Single String Value Value Enum Description utc format Single String
IN / NOT IN X[,Y] [,Z] … Value Value Enum Description utc format Single String
BET / NOT BET X and Y Value Value Enum Description utc format Single String
LIKE / NOT LIKE String. * Not Valid Not Valid Not Valid Not Valid String.*

Select an operator from the drop-down list in the operator column. A wide range of operators are available, for example, (Not) Equal, (Not) less than, (Not) like, & (Not) in, and so on.

Example "Release date > 06091991".

Note: The term "Single String" defines a continuous string without any breaks or spaces. For the "LIKE" operator, the sample string must be followed by ".*". If the selected object attribute is based on an enumerated domain, the user must provide a valid enum description from the domain. For example, if the selected object attribute is based on the domain dmcom.ynin, a valid value is "Yes" or "No". To specify dates, click the browse arrow and select a date from the date calendar.
System Parameter

If this check box is selected, you must fill the Value field with the available values from the System Parameters (dmcom0125m000) session .

Example: User Login code, UTC date/time.


The value for the selected attribute.


For the system parameter attribute, you must select the value from the System Parameters (dmcom0125m000) session.

For a date or enumeration attribute, you must select the browse arrow to specify the date from the date calendar.

For a enumeration attribute, you must select the value from the Enumeration values of the attribute.