Planning requirements for less than the ordered quantity

If you create a planning requirement for less than the ordered, not yet advised, released, or picked quantity of an outbound order line and close the Outbound Order Line - Planned Shipment Requirements (whinh4183m000) session, you are asked if a planning requirement must be created for the remaining quantity.

If yes, these planning requests are created:

  • A planning request with a planned delivery date and the specified quantity.
  • A planning request without a planned delivery date for the unplanned quantity, that is, the ordered quantity minus the specified quantity.

If no, a new planning request with the specified quantity is created.

In the Shipment Planning Workbench (whinh8370m000) session, the corresponding cards are marked with a red dot to indicate that the ordered quantity is not fully planned. When planning requirements for the entire ordered quantity are present with status Created or status Planned, the corresponding cards are marked with a green dot.

When projected shipments are generated, the planning requests without planned delivery dates are skipped.

Option Plan Remaining Quantity

The Plan Remaining Quantity option is used to create planning requests for the unplanned quantity of partially planned outbound order lines, provided that the unplanned quantity is not yet advised, released, picked, or shipped.

The Plan Remaining Quantity option is present on the appropriate menu of the Outbound Order Line - Planned Shipment Requirements (whinh4183m000) session.