Using the Location transactions graph in the Warehouse 360 (whwmd2300m000) workbench session

The Location transactions graph in the Warehouse 360 (whwmd2300m000) workbench session provides various views on the use of locations in a warehouse.

The main purpose of the graph is to view inventory transactions by warehouse location to:

  • Obtain a clear view of the physical goods flows in a warehouse
  • Detect hot spots, that is, frequently visited locations, to prevent congestion
  • Identify empty or unused locations
  • Determine whether inventory is stored in the right locations

To use the Location transactions graph

  1. Select a warehouse in the Warehouse 360 (whwmd2300m000) workbench session.
  2. In the Date From field, select a date in the past to specify the time span of your overview. The time span ranges from the selected date up to the current system date.
  3. In the Transaction field, select the type of transaction for the overview. The available options:

    • Pick
    • Put Away
    • Both
  4. In the Location Transactions field, select:

    • Hot Spots to view the most frequently used locations.
    • Least Used to view the least used locations.

The data displayed in the graph

The vertical axis of the graph displays the number of transactions. The horizontal axis displays the locations of the selected warehouse and the number of transactions performed in each location.

The types of transactions displayed in the graph include:

  • Pick

    • Confirmed, picked, or released outbound transactions.
  • Put Away

    • Put away and confirmed inbound transactions