Quarantine Inventory (whwmd2671m000)

Use this session to view and maintain the selected quarantine ID and the related disposition lines.

The tabs in this session refer to the following sessions:

  • Disposition

    Quarantine Inventory Disposition (whwmd2172m000)
  • Handling Units

    Quarantine Inventory Handling Units (whwmd2574m000)

Field Information

Quarantine ID

The identification code of the quarantine ID.


If this check box is selected, a text about the current quarantine ID is present in the Text field of the Attachments tab.


The item that is rejected during inspection or production and sent to quarantine.

Order Line

The warehousing-order number of the warehousing order from which the quarantined items originate.


The operation step of the production order for which the items were rejected and sent to quarantine.


The ship-from type of the originating warehouse order.

Ship-from Code

The ship-from code of the originating warehouse order.


The warehouse in which the rejected goods are stored.

Quarantine Quantity

The total quantity of quarantined items for the quarantine record. This quantity is aggregated from the attached disposition lines.

The unit in which the quarantine quantity is expressed.


The total quantity of items to be scrapped. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine ID and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities to be scrapped are processed.

Awaiting Disposition

The quantity aggregated from the disposition lines still awaiting disposition.

Return to Vendor

The total quantity of items to be returned to the vendor. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine record and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities to be returned are processed.

To be Processed

The quantity aggregated from the disposition lines still to be processed.

Rework (to Existing Specification)

The total quantity of items to be reworked to existing specification. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine ID and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities to be reworked to existing specification are processed.

Use As Is

The total quantity of items for which the disposition option Use As Is is specified. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine ID and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities to be used as is are processed.

Rework (to New Specification)

The total quantity of items to be reworked to new specification. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine record and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities to be reworked to new specification are processed.

No Fault Found

The total quantity of items for which the disposition option No Fault Found is specified. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine ID and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities for which no faults are found are processed.


The quantity of items to be reclassified. This quantity is aggregated from the disposition lines of the current quarantine ID and is updated in this field when the disposition line quantities to be reclassified are processed.


quarantine location

Serial Number

serial number

A serial number can be displayed in this field if the item is specified as serialized in Items (tcibd0501m000) session. This field is empty if more than one serial number is present in the related disposition lines.


The lot to which the rejected items belong. If multiple lot codes are present in the related disposition lines, this field is empty.

Inventory Date

inventory date. If multiple inventory dates are present in the related disposition lines, this field is empty.

Non-Conforming Material Report

If this check box is selected, a non-conforming material report is present for the quarantine ID.

Handling Unit(s) Present

If this check box is selected, one or more handling units are present for the quarantine ID.

Handling Unit

The handling unit of the current quarantine ID. If more than one handling unit is present for the quarantine ID, this field is empty.


Text field for additional information.