Print Inventory Days of Supply (whinp1400m100)

Use this session to print the days of supply for a range of items and warehouses within a period of time.

The days of supply express the number of days it takes to issue the entire inventory of an item from the warehouse.

For each item by warehouse, the report shows this information:

Ordered Quantity The total planned quantities of the planned inventory transactions of inventory-transaction type Issue within the specified transaction-date range.
Ordered Quantity / Day The Ordered Quantity divided by the number of days of the specified transaction-date range.
On Hand Quantity The total inventory on hand of the item within the specified transaction-date range.
Days Supply The On Hand Quantity divided by the Ordered Quantity / Day.

Field Information

From Item


To Item


Item Group

item group





Transaction Date

transaction date

Items with Zero Inventory on Hand

If this check box is selected, items with no inventory on hand are included in the report.

Items with Zero On Order Quantity

If this check box is selected, items with no on-order quantity are included in the report.

Items with Zero Inventory on Hand

If this check box is selected, only items with no inventory on hand are printed on the report.

Items with Zero On Order Quantity

If this check box is selected, only items with no on-order quantity are printed on the report.
