Direct Material Supply Distribution (whinh6130m000)

Use this session to change priorities and/or quantities for distribution before approving and processing. When processing the distribution, LN will generate cross-dock orders (of type Direct Material Supply) and transfer orders to support the transfer of the goods to the destination warehouses and locations.

When this session is started, LN:

  • Calculates the netted demand for all DMS-supplied warehouses that are within the warehouse supply structure of the warehouse for which the session is run.
  • Displays the various sources of demand (actual orders, planned inventory transactions, planned orders and forecast) with the calculated shortages per demand instance.
  • Assigns a priority per demand instance based on planning priority rules.
  • Distributes received or manufactured goods over demand, taking demand priorities into account.
  • Depending on parameter settings, assigns on hand available inventory of the receiving warehouse.

Handling processing errors

When quantities have been assigned to demand and these assignments have been approved, the assignments can be processed. Processing takes place in order of user priority. If processing of specific demand returns an error, processing of remaining demand is skipped. One or more messages will indicate the problem, for example, for some reason a cross-dock order is prevented from being generated. You can then analyze the problem, modify assignments if necessary, and process again.

If specific demand cannot be processed, you can do either of the following:

  • Set the assigned quantities to 0, approve the specific demand, and recalculate the assignments for other demand.
  • Give the specific demand a very low priority (high number). As a result, no quantities will be assigned to that demand.

Reversing transfer orders

A transfer order that was generated and processed by DMS, can be reversed by generating and processing a return order. As a result, the quantity of the original transfer order will be transferred back to the supply warehouse.

To reverse a transfer order, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session, select a receipt line.
  2. On the appropriate menu, choose Open, Warehousing Orders.

    The Warehousing Orders (whinh2100m000) session appears, displaying the related transfer orders.

  3. Select the order(s) to be reversed.
  4. On the appropriate menu, choose Create Return Order.

Cleaning up open orders

When you start the DMS session, or when DMS is run, open cross-dock orders and transfer orders generated by a previous DMS run may be displayed. These orders may be updated by LN when you assign received/on hand inventory to related demand. Any unchanged open cross-dock orders and transfer orders generated by a previous DMS run, will be deleted when processing the new DMS run.

Note: A cross-dock order's status remains Open as long as any of its cross-dock order lines have status Canceled or Open. The transfer (outbound) order lines that are linked to these cross-dock orders and that are still open (that is, no outbound advice exists yet for the transfer order line) will also be deleted. If a second open cross-dock order (plus lines) in the destination warehouse is still linked to the transfer (inbound) order line, this order will also be deleted.

Field Information

Supply Information

receipt number


The receipt line for which DMS is run.


The inspection number.


The inspection line number.


The receipt order origin.


The receipt order number.


The receipt order line.


The sequence number of the receipt order.




The warehouse where the item was received.


The location of the item in the warehouse.

For more information, refer to Supply location and demand location.

Process Number

For more information, refer to.


The cluster of the warehouse.

Effectivity Unit

effectivity unit


Inventory on Hand

The available on-hand quantity for the item in the receiving warehouse.

Inventory Unit

The unit in which the on-hand quantity is expressed.

Received Quantity in Receipt Unit

The received quantity of the item.

Received Quantity in Receipt Unit

The unit in which the received quantity is expressed.

Received Quantity in Inventory Unit

The received quantity of the item.

Received Quantity in Inventory Unit

inventory unit

To be Assigned

The quantity that still needs to be assigned to demand. A quantity that is not assigned will be inbounded.

To be Put Away

The quantity that cannot be assigned and will be inbounded. This situation occurs when the received quantity exceeds demand.

To be Put Away

The unit in which the put-away quantity is expressed.

Priority Definition

cross-dock order priority definition

Warehouse Supply Structure

warehouse supply structure

Cross-dock Restriction Definition

cross-dock restriction definition

DMS upon Receipt

Indicates whether DMS will be performed for this item.

For more information, refer to DMS upon Receipt.

DMS upon JSC Receipt

Indicates whether DMS will be performed for this manuafactured item.

For more information, refer to DMS upon JSC Receipt.

DMS on Inventory

Indicates whether DMS will be applied to available on-hand inventory.

For more information, refer to DMS on Inventory.

Cross-docking Time Fence

The lower and upper limits of the time fence to be taken into account.

Force Cross-docking Range

If the receipt quantity of the receipt line is between the minimum and maximum quantities, LN will look for demand and try to cross-dock the goods accordingly.


sequence number

User Priority

user priority

Note: If you change this priority, and then click Save or use the Recalculate Non-Approved command, all assigned received quantities will be recalculated.
System Priority

system priority

Demand Type

The type of demand that is taken into account for this item.

For more information, refer to DMS demand type.


The origin of the order.


warehousing-order number

Order Line

The order (line) that causes demand. Demand may be for the same warehouse or for another warehouse.

Order Line

sequence number

Order Line

Requirement Date

The date the goods are required. For actual orders this date equals the planned delivery date.

Package Definition

package definition

Unit Binding

If this check box is selected, the order unit must be used to deliver the ordered goods.

Effectivity Unit

effectivity unit

Destination Warehouse

The warehouse from which demand originates.

For more information, refer to Warehouse supply structures.

Destination Zone/Location

The zone or location in the destination warehouse from which demand originates.

For more information, refer to Supply location and demand location.

Required Quantity

The quantity in inventory unit still needed for the demand order (shortage).

Assigned On Hand Quantity

The on hand quantity in storage unit assigned by DMS. You can change this quantity.

Assigned Received Quantity

The received quantity in storage unit assigned by DMS.

Note: If you change this quantity, and then click Save or use the Recalculate Non-Approved command, all assigned received quantities will be recalculated.
Assigned Unit

Assigned Received Quantity

The received quantity in inventory unit assigned by DMS. You can change this quantity.

Assigned Received Quantity

The unit in which the quantity is expressed.

Approved Quantity to Cross-dock


If this check box is selected, an approved assignment is processed after processing the assignment.