Reopening a Quote

To reopen a quote, you can use the Reopen option in the Quotes (tsepp1100m000) and the Quote (tsepp1100m100) sessions, for the quotes that have the status Canceled, Lost or Rejected.

You cannot reopen a quote that has been processed. However, you can create a revision for the quote.

You can use the Reopen Quote (tsepp1202m000) session to reopen a quote. When a quote is reopened, the status of the quote is set to Free. The status of the related quote lines is modified based on the check boxes you select in the Reopen Quote (tsepp1202m000) session.

When a Quote is reopened, the related work orders and the part lines are interrupted.

You can reopen a quote line that is not processed, only if the status of the related quote is set to Free.