Mapping Service costs with Project

To generate budget lines for a service order in Project and to roll up costs to a project, the links between the project and the service order are created at these levels:

  • Cost type
  • Cost object
  • Activity

Cost type mapping

This table lists the mapping of the Service cost type with the Project cost type:

Service cost type Project cost type
Material Materials
Labor Labor
Tooling Equipment
Traveling Sundry Costs
Subcontracting Subcontracting
Help Desk Sundry Costs
Other Sundry Costs
Uptime N/A
All N/A
Freight Sundry Costs
Quote Invoice N/A

Cost object mapping

Based on the cost type, the cost objects in Service can be mapped to the cost objects in Project. You can use the Project Cost Object Mapping with Service (tppdm6170m000) session to link each cost object in Project to one specific cost object in Service, and vice versa.

  • Cost object mapping is project specific.

  • An item, that is used in Service, can be used as a cost object in Project, if:

    • The item exists both in the Items - Project (tppdm0505m000) session and in the Items - Service (tsmdm2100m000) session.
    • A cost object mapping is defined.

Activity- Reference Activity

Every project is linked to at least one activity and, optionally, some budget lines. A service order is linked to at least one reference activity, which contains resources that serve as a template for the service order. Therefore, the reference activity (and frequency) in Service can be linked to a standard activity in Project. When the standard activity is used to create a project activity, the resources of the reference activity are also copied. This information is used when project budget lines and service orders are generated.