Subcontracting (tppdm0113s000)

Use this session to maintain standard subcontracting cost objects. This session also allows you to view the information in the list detail view. See List Detail session.

The currency used for the standard object is the reference currency of the logistic/operational company. If you link the standard object to a project, you can start using the currencies of the linked financial company.

Note: When a standard subcontracting cost object is added, the item details are populated in theItem (tcibd0501m100) session.

Field Information


The code that identifies the subcontracting cost object.


The description or name of the code.

Search Key

The search key associated with the cost object.

Item Group

The item group to which the cost object belongs.


The description or name of the code.

Responsible Department

The code of the department linked to the subcontracting cost objects.

Note: You can only select departments of type Work Center and Project Management Office.
Project Order System

The project order system uses the control data to order subcontracting. You can either generate orders by using the project requirement planning (PRP) or order manually.

  • PRP: Only the PRP related items will be considered in the Generate Planned PRP Orders (tppss6200m000) session.
  • Manual: Only items ordered manually will be considered in the Generate Purchase Budgets (tpptc4200m000) session.
Price Policy

Indicates whether the default unit cost on a budget line will be the purchase price or the standard unit cost.

Allowed values

Standard Cost

The price of the item is calculated based on the standard cost of the item.

Purchase Price

The price of the item is calculated based on the purchase price of the item.

Purchase Statistics Group

The purchase statistics group associated with the cost object.


The description or name of the code.

Purchase Price Group

The purchase price group associated with the cost object.


The description or name of the code.

Purchase Price Currency

The currency in which the purchase price is expressed.

Purchase Price

The default purchase price, per unit, of this cost object.

In Home Currency

home currency

In Home Currency

home currency

In Home Currency

The description or name of the code.

Purch. Price Trans. Date

The last date that the purchase price was changed.

Control Code

The control code linked to the cost object.

Control Code

The description or name of the code.

Control Function

The function of this cost object for cost control purposes.

Allowed values

Cost Object
Cost Object/Control Code
Control Code
Cost Component

The cost component associated with the cost object. You can use a cost component to create a cross view in your budget or in your cost control, for cost objects that share particular characteristics.

Note: You can only specify a cost component for which the Component Type is set to Detail or Collect in the Cost Components (tcmcs0148m000) session.
Unit Cost Currency

The currency in which the unit cost is expressed.

Unit Cost

The default standard cost per unit of this cost object. The unit is specified in the Cost Determination field.

In Home Currency

This field is only available if your company uses an independent currency system. Then the standard cost is expressed in the home currency. You can enter a new amount, regardless of the exchange rate between currencies.

In Home Currency

home currency

In Home Currency

The description or name of the code.

Unit Cost Transaction Date

The last date on which the unit cost was changed.

Unit Data
Cost Determination

Indicates how costs relating to this subcontracting cost object are to be calculated in the budget. For example, a subcontractor can be paid by the hour, or by some quantity-based measure of productivity.

Allowed values


The costs related to the subcontracting cost object are calculated, by quantity-based measure of productivity.

Amount of Time

The costs related to the subcontracting cost object are calculated, by time-based measure of productivity. Example, the subcontractor can be paid by the hour.

Rate Only

The costs related to the subcontracting cost object are calculated, based on only an agreed rate.

Amount Only

The costs related to the subcontracting cost object are calculated, based on only an amount (lump sum).

Unit Set

Indicates the default unit set to be used for the cost object. The default is derived from the Project Parameters (tppdm0100s000) session.


The description or name of the code.


The unit of measurement associated with the standard cost object.


The description or name of the code.

Time Unit

The time unit appropriate to the standard cost object.

Sales Statistics Group

The sales statistics group associated with the cost object.

Sales Price Group

The sales statistics group associated with the cost object.

Sales Price Currency

The currency in which the sales price is expressed.

Sales Price

The default sales price per unit, of the cost object. The unit is specified in the Cost Determination field.

In Home Currency

home currency

In Home Currency

home currency

In Home Currency

The description or name of the code.

Sales Price Trans. Date

The last date that the sales price was changed.

Buy-from Business Partner

Indicates the business partner to whom the work is subcontracted.

Selection Code

The selection code associated with the cost object.


The description or name of the code.

Item Signal

The code that uniquely identifies the message displayed on the user's screen when this cost object is selected.


The description or name of the code.

Labor Percentage

The standard percentage added to the purchase price to determine the costs to be posted to the blocked account.

By default, this percentage is included in purchase orders.

Order Lead Time

The order lead time for this cost object.

Tax Code

The tax code associated with the cost object.


The description or name of the code.

Technical Coordinator

The technical coordinator associated with the cost object.

Harmonized System Code

The harmonized system code (HSN) of the item.

Note: Infor LN checks the expiry date of an item when the HSN code of the item is added.

The description or name of the code.

Register Progress

If this check box is selected, progress can be recorded for this cost object for the duration of the project.

Used in Schedule

If this check box is selected, the subcontracting cost object can be used in an ESP (external scheduling package).


If this check box is selected, the selected standard subcontracting cost object can be invoiced to the business partner.


If this check box is selected, the current cost object has an associated general text.


If this check box is selected, the current cost object has an associated purchase-related text.


If this check box is selected, the current cost object has an associated sales-related text.