Adding Production Order To Order Block

If you enter values in the fields of this session, and click Add Order to Group, LN performs the following actions:

  1. Checks whether Order Block Planning (tisfc0151m000) session already has records for the specified machine and the specified start date of order-block period.

    If no such order blocks exist, this session cannot add production orders to order blocks.

  2. Determines which of the production order's operations is executed on the machine that you specified. If multiple operations are executed on the same machine, LN selects the first of these operations.
  3. For each of the setup classes you specified in this session, LN searches the applicable setup state, as defined in the Setup Classes and States by Operation (tisfc0133m000) session.

    If LN finds no such setup state for the operation, LN assumes that the operation has the setup state that comes after all other setup states.

  4. LN checks the Order Block Planning (tisfc0151m000) session for order blocks with the same set of setup classes and setup states as the production order that you want to add.
  5. If LN finds such an order block, LN checks whether that order block's start date is on or after the value of the Add to Order Block which Starts After field.
  6. If LN found an order block that meets these criteria, LN adds the production order to the order block.

    If LN found no suitable order block, LN inserts a new order block in the Order Block Planning (tisfc0151m000) session, and adds the production order to the new order block.

After you added production orders to an order block, or removed production orders from an order block, you must reschedule the order block.

To reschedule an order block, in the Order Block Planning (tisfc0151m000), on the appropriate menu, click Reschedule Order Blocks.