Lines and Orders section features

The Lines and Orders section comprises of these features:


This table lists the features of this section:

Number Description
1 This option allows the supervisor to filter the orders based on:
  • All orders: All orders are displayed.
  • Flagged Orders: All orders with the indicator (als_22 ) are displayed. This indicator is displayed when there is material shortage or a delay.
  • Active Orders: The orders with the Assembly Order Status set to Sequenced or In Progress in theAssembly Line - Line Mix (tiasc2501m000) session are displayed.
2 Displays the various menu options required by the supervisor to execute the tasks.
3 This is a search field. The search can be based on:
  • Assembly Order Number
  • Item Code
  • Serial Number
  • Sales Order Number
  • Sold-to Business Partner code
  • Ship-to Business Partner code
  • Planned Delivery Date
4 The code of the assembly line.
5 The description or name of the code.
6 The status of the assembly line.
7 This option allows the supervisor to expand or collapse the section that displays the data.
8 This option allows the supervisor to view the assembly order details in the Assembly Order (tiasc2100s000) session.
9 The code of the assembly order.
10 The status of the assembly order.
11 The code of the item.
12 The description or name of the code.
13 The serial number of the item.
14 The supervisor can right-click in this section to access the related options.