Correct Machine Operation Quantities (tisfc4101m200)

Use this session to view and correct quantities reported on a selected machine operation for the current shift.

Field Information

Production Order

The planned production order ID.


the machine operation ID.

Machine Sequence

The sequence number of the machine operation.

Transaction Date

The date the quantity is reported.

Sequence Number

The sequence number of the transaction.

Machine Type

The type of machines used during production.

Machine Number

The ID of the specific machine.


The shift during which the machine operation quantities are reported.


The date and time the shift starts.


The date and time the shift ends.


The quantity of product completed on the selected machine operation.


The quantity of product rejected on the selected machine operation.

Effectivity Unit

effectivity unit

Zero (0) indicates the standard configuration.

Serial Number

The number of the serialized item.

Reject Reason

The reason for rejecting the processing of the personnel data.

Reported by User

The employee responsible for quantity reporting on the specified shift.

Lot Code

The lot to which the product was reported completed.

Aggregated to Operation

If this check box is selected, the machine operation quantities were aggregated.