Move Rejected End Item to Quarantine (tisfc0209m000)

Use this session to move a quantity of end item with the status rejected to a quarantine warehouse or a specific location in a regular warehouse specified as the quarantine location.

Field Information


The site ID.

Note: Only visible if multisite functionality is active.

Production Order

production order





Quantity Rejected

The maximum quantity that can be quarantined for the specified production order.

Note: You can report a maximum quantity in numbers that contain decimals. The quantity rejected is rounded due to the rounding factor of the end item's inventory unit.


The rounding factor of this field is 0.1, all entered values will be rounded down to one decimal.

For an article with 0 decimal places, if for example Quantity Rejected = 1.2 pcs have been reported, you can only send 1.0 to quarantine.

If 0.9 are reported, then nothing can be sent to quarantine. One can send the maximum rounded value down to quarantine.

You can specify a quantity in numbers up to one decimal, but you can only send quantities expressed in whole numbers to quarantine.

Quantity to Quarantine

The quantity of end item that must be quarantined.

Serial Number

The serial number from which the quantity of end item is quarantined.

Total Selected Quantity

The quantity of end item that was selected for quarantine.

Effectivity Unit

effectivity unit


The warehouse the quarantined end item quantity is sent.


The location of the warehouse.

Lot Code

The lot code of the quantity of end item that is quarantined.

NCM Report

If this check box is selected, the non-conformance material report (NCMR) for the production order operation is updated once the quarantined item(s) are sent to the quarantine with the warehouse and the location.

  • If the Quality Management (QM) check box is cleared in Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000), or no NCMR report is assigned to the production order operation from which the item is quarantined this field is not visible.
  • If an NCMR is attached to the production order operation sent to quarantine, but no NCMR is present for the specified operation this field is visible but unavailable.

Default value

  • If only one NCMR exists for the item, this field shows the NCMR code.
  • If one or more NCMR is present, this field defaults to the first NCMR present. It is possible to zoom to the Non-Conformance Reports (qmncm1100m000) session to select the NCMR that will be updated.


Enter additional text regarding the quarantine quantity.

Direct Process Inbound

If this check box is selected, the transfer orders are processed automatically according to the steps in the warehousing-order type, the quantity that completed is posted to inventory. The inbound procedure is processed automatically.

Print Document

If this check box is selected, the documents for the quantity that is quarantined are printed.