Production Orders by Block (tisfc0152m000)

Use this session to view and maintain the set of production orders that belong to a order block. You can use this session also to split an order block into two order blocks or remove a production order from an order block.

After you deleted the last production order in an order block, LN deletes the order block automatically.

Field Information


The site ID.

Note: Only visible if multisite functionality is active.


The machine on which the order block's production orders are produced.

Start Date of Order Block Period

The start date of the order-block period is the date that you entered in the Start Date of Order Block Period field in the Generate Order Block Planning (tisfc0251m000) session.

For more information, refer to the Help of the Start Date of Order Block Period field in the Generate Order Block Planning (tisfc0251m000) session.

Block Sequence Number

The value of the Block Sequence Number field determines the order in which LN executes the order blocks.

Together, the Machine field, Start Date of Order Block Period field, and the Block Sequence Number field uniquely identify an order block.

Start Time

The start time of the execution of this order block. More specific, the time when this order block's machine starts work on the first production order of this order block.

End Time

The end time of the execution of this order block. More specific, the time when this order block's machine stops working on the last production order of this order block.

Original Planned Finish Date

The original value of the relevant operation's planned finish date.

At the time when LN retrieves an operation for a production order from the routing definition, LN also calculates the planned finish date.

The Original Planned Finish Date field displays the original value of the Setup (Next Oper.) field in the Production Planning (tisfc0110m000) session.

For more information, refer to the Help of the Setup (Next Oper.) or Requested Delivery Date field.

Production Order

production order

Production Order Item

The main item of the production order.

Quantity Ordered

The quantity to be produced by the production order.

Inventory Unit



The operation based on which this production order was included in the order block.

This operation's machine must be the machine of the order block.

If the production order has more than one operation for the same machine, mixed with operations on other machines, the order-block functionality takes only the first of these operations into account.

If the production order has multiple consecutive operations for the same machine, the order-block functionality uses the total of the run times of these operations.

Operation Status

The operation status.

Current Setup Start Date

The date and time on which LN plans to start the production time.

The Current Setup Start Date field displays the current value of the Setup Start Date field in the Production Planning (tisfc0110m000) session. The Current Setup Start Date field does not reflect changes in the order blocks, until you update the standard production planning data.

For more information, refer to the Help of the Setup field.

Current Wait Start Date

The date and time on which the setup and run time of the operation are planned to finish, and the wait time is planned to start.

The Current Wait Start Date field displays the current value of the Wait Start Date field in the Production Planning (tisfc0110m000) session. The Current Wait Start Date field does not reflect changes in the order blocks, until you update the standard production planning data.

For more information, refer to the Help of the Wait field in the Production Planning (tisfc0110m000) session, on the Planning Related tab, under Start Date.