Machine Capacity Groups (tirou4161m000)

Use this session to manage machine groups per work center and machine type.

The machine capacity group defines the number of machines of a specific type in a work center and their logistical and planning properties.

Field Information


The ID of the site where the machines are present.

Work Center

The work center ID.

Machine Type

The machine type to which the machines in the capacity group belong.


A description of the machine type and the process they are used for.

Number of Machines

The number of machines present within the group.

Production Department

The production department to which the work center is linked.

Operation Rate Code

operation rate code

Report Product

Specify how production is reported:

Allowed values

  • Manual

    Reporting is done manually in the Report Operations Completed (tisfc0130m000) session.
  • Automatic

    Reporting is done by the completion of another operation.
  • By Machine

    Reporting is done by machine operation instead of by operation.
Report Machine Hours

Specify the method by which the hours are reported:

Allowed values

  • Backflush

    This is an automatic calculation based on reported quantities.
  • Manual

    Reporting is done by an employee.
  • By Machine

    Reporting is done via machine operations instead of per operation.
Machine Numbers

If this check box is selected, machine numbers are assigned to the group.

Critical for Scheduler

If this check box is selected, the machine capacity group is critical to the generation of the production schedule.


The ID of the employee responsible for the machine capacity group.


The description of the machine capacity group.

Number of Machines

The number of machines present in the selected machine capacity group.

Critical for Scheduler

If this check box is selected, the machine capacity group is critical to the generation of the production schedule.