Correct Machines on Generic Routing Operations (tipcf3120m100)

Use this session to add machines to generic routing operations related to work centers that use machine types.

Field Information



Work Center

work center



Machine Occupation

The number of machines required to perform the operation.

You can enter this field when you defined a machine for the selected work center in the Tasks (Reference Operations) (tirou0103m000) session.


The generic item.

The item code to be selected must be predefined in the Item - Production (tiipd0101m000) session. The item type of the manufactured item must be Generic.


The operation number is used to sequence the various operations for a generic manufactured item. This operation number is comparable with the operation number in a routing sheet for a standard manufactured item in the Routing module.

With generic operations, however, several variants may be defined for each operation number.

Sequence Number

The sequence number indicates the possibility of entering several variants for each operation number. The sequence number is also used with respect to the effective and expiry date.

Effective Date

The effective date determines when the operation line is valid.

The effective date is used during the execution of the following sessions:

  • Generate Order Planning (cprrp1210m000)
  • Copy Standard Product Structure to Customized Structure (tipcs2230m000)
  • Production Orders (tisfc0501m000)

Starting from the effective date:

  • The operation time (for this operation line) is added to the lead time.
  • The specified work center has capacity requirements.
Expiry Date

The expiry date indicates from which date the operation line is invalid.