Print Assembly Part Shortage (tiasc2440m000)

Use this session to print a report of assembly part shortages and/or orders that are related to these shortages.

Field Information

Requirement Date

The date on which the assembly part is required for the production process.

Print Assembly Part Shortage

Prints a list of assembly parts that are in short supply.

Print Assembly Orders by Assembly Part Shortage

Prints a list of orders that are related to the shortages.

Assembly Order

The order(s) that may be related to the shortages.

Note: Orders are always selected, based on the range of requirement dates and assembly parts you selected. In the current field you can only limit this range, but not extend it.
Sort By

Specifies the sorting criterion for the orders printed.

  • Assembly Part

    For each combination of requirement date and assembly part, the orders are listed according to the sequence of their numbers. This is the standard view of the Assembly Part Shortage - Assembly Orders (tiasc2545m000) session. No additional information is given about the parts.
  • Assembly Order

    You now get the reverse. For each combination of requirement date and order(number), the assembly parts are listed in alphabetical order. This is the standard view of the Assembly Order - Assembly Part Shortages (tiasc2546m000) session. Additional information is given about the parts.
Include Blocked Assembly Orders Only

Select this check box if you want to print blocked orders only. This check box can only be selected if you selected the Print Assembly Orders by Assembly Part Shortage check box. This check box has no influence on the list of parts that can be printed.