Import Range of Business Processes (tgbrg3260m000)

Use this session to import a range of business processes from the repository into the current reference model or project model.

You can also import the business processes automatically on the basis of the transformation rules defined in the current modeling version.

Field Information

Model type

Displays whether the business model, into which the session are imported, is a reference model or a project model.

Business Model

The business model into which the range of business processes are imported.


The description or name of the model item.


The version of the business model into which the range of business process are imported.


The description or name of the model item.


If this check box is selected, the sequence numbers of the business processes that are already present in the project model are overwritten when new business process are imported into the project model.


Subprocesses receive a sequence number that is related to the sequence number of the main process

Main business process 10
Subprocesses 11
Starting with Sequence

The sequence number that will be assigned to the first business process of the imported range. If a number of business processes is already present in the current session, the first available sequence number is displayed in the current field.

Increment Sequence with

The number that you specify determines a step in the sequence of business processes that are imported.

Insert Sub Processes below corresponding Main Process, increment with

If this check box is selected, the structure of main business processes and subprocesses, as modeled in the repository, is maintained for the range of business processes that are imported.

Insert Sub Processes below corresponding Main Process, increment with

The number that you specify determines a step in the sequence of sub processes that are imported.