Posting Data of Standing Orders/Stand-Alone Pmt (tfcmg1515m000)

Use this session to list the posting data of standing orders/stand-alone payments. You can maintain the data displayed here in the Posting Data of Standing Orders/Stand-Alone Pmt (tfcmg1115s000) details session.

Note: If you have started this session by zooming, you can only find the posting data of the selected record.

Field Information

Payment Type

Select the payment type.

Payment Batch

Select the payment batch from the Payment Advices (tfcmg1509m000) session.


Select the company from the Financial Companies by Group Company (tfgld0104m000) session.

Business Partner

Select the invoice-from business partner from the Invoice-from Business Partners (tccom4522m000) session.


The order number of the standing order or stand-alone payment.

Tax Amount

The tax amount to be paid over a transaction amount.

Tax amount is calculated by means of the percentage defined by the tax codes by country combination.

Registration Code

The registration code of the jurisdiction by registration.

Identification Number

The identification number associated with the registration code.

Identification Number

The business partner identification number.

Sequence Number

Enter the sequence number multiple payment standing order.

Remaining Amount

The remaining amount, that must be posted to a ledger account.

Remaining amount = Total amount to be posted - Amount posted.

Remaining Amount

This field indicates the nature of the amount.

Home Currency

The currency used to make standing order and stand-alone payment payments.


The line number is displayed here.

Ledger Account

The ledger account number used to post the payments.


The amount to be paid, is:

  • For standing orders : The amount due
  • Miscellaneous : No default value

Debit / Credit

This field indicates the nature of the amount.

Amount in Home Currency

The standing order and stand-alone payment amount expressed in the home currency.