Invoice Lines (tfacp5510m000)

Use this session to define the invoice lines for an invoice imported using an external device such as, invoice scanning tool.

Note: You can access this session only if the invoice is not created manually.

Field Information

Financial Company

The code of the financial company in which the purchase invoice is generated.

Transaction Type

The transaction type of the invoice.


The invoice number of the document for which the lines must be added.


The sequence number of the invoice line.

Note: By default, the invoices are registered on the line number zero.
Invoice Detail Line

The actual sequence number of the invoice line.

Invoice Line Type

Indicates the line type of the invoice.

Allowed values


The invoice lines are related to orders. These lines can be matched to order lines, receipts, consumptions, and landed costs.


The invoice line is related to a cost invoice.

Landed Costs

The invoice line is related to landed costs.

Business Partner

The invoice-from business partner by whom the invoice is sent.


The original description of the scanned or imported invoice lines.

Note: If the invoice line is created manually, Infor LN allows you to specify the value in this field.

The code of the item.

Note: This value is determined using an external scanning device and is used only for the order related invoice lines.
Item Description

The description of the item.

Invoiced Quantity

The quantity of the invoiced goods.

Quantity in Inventory Unit

The unit in which the invoiced quantity, is expressed.

Landed Cost Type

A user-defined category of landed costs such as freight, handling, insurance.

  • This field is populated when purchase invoices are imported.
  • Invoice lines matches with the Landed Cost Lines that have the same Landed Cost Type.

The description or name of the code.

Unit Price

The unit price of the invoice line.


The currency in which the unit price of the invoice line, is expressed.

Price Unit

The unit price of the invoiced quantity.

Extended Amount

The extended amount of the scanned invoice.

This value is calculated using the formula, quantity * unit price.

Discount Amount

The total discount amount applicable for the invoice line.

This value includes the order discount (percentage on the invoice line value) and the total invoice line discounts.

Net Line Amount

The net amount of the invoice line.


The currency in which the net line amount is expressed.

Entered Transactions

The transaction amount entered for the invoice line.

Tax Amount

The tax amount of the invoice line, expressed in invoice currency.

Invoice Line incl. Tax

The total amount of the invoice line including the tax amount.

Tax Code

The code used to calculate the tax applicable for the invoice line.


This value is defaulted from the tax details when the invoices are scanned and only one tax code is applicable for the invoice line.

For the manual invoices, Infor LN uses the group tax codes, aggregated tax codes, withholding tax codes also.

Logistic Company

The code of the logistic company in which the purchase order or the packing slip, is created.


The number of the purchase order related to the invoice.

Note: By default, this order is used to match with the invoice lines.
Packing Slip

The packing slip number of the invoice line.


If this check box is selected, the invoice line is matched to the order if the matching is performed on invoice line level or if the matching is performed on invoice header level and the invoice is fully matched.

Note: This value is set to Not Applicable, if the Invoice Line Type is Costs

Indicates whether the invoice line is registered correctly.

Allowed values


The errors/warnings are not logged for the invoice.


Warnings are logged for the invoice in te Error Log (tfacp2580m000) session.


Both the Errors and Warnings are logged for the invoice in te Error Log (tfacp2580m000) session.


If this check box is selected, a text related to the invoice is present.

Tax Country/Code

The code of the tax country in which the tax must be paid for the invoice line.

Shifted Tax

The shifted tax VAT amount of the invoice.