Process Purchase Invoice (tfacp2607m000)

Use this session to view, manually match, approve, or unapprove a specific open (non-finalized) purchase invoice or a credit note. The session displays the details of a specific purchase invoice or a credit note.

Field Information

Financial Company

The code of the financial company in which the purchase invoice is created.

Invoice Document

The transaction type part of the invoice identification.


The document number part of the invoice identification.

Invoice-from Business Partner

The invoice-from business partner linked to this invoice.

Invoice Status

The stage the invoice has reached in the matching/approval process.

Allowed values

Transactions Entered
Matching Status

Indicates the matching status of the received purchase invoice.

Allowed values

Not Matched
Partially Matched
Not Applicable
Fully Matched

If the quantity of the received purchase invoice is fully matched but warehouse receipt is not final (for example, inspections is yet to be completed), the received purchase invoice is considered as partially matched.

When the warehouse receipt is final, this value is updated to Fully Matched.

This value is set to Not Applicable, if the invoice is a Cost Invoice.

Matching Procedure

Indicates the procedure used to match the invoices.

Allowed values

Match to Purchase Order

LN matches purchase invoices entered in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session with the purchase orders from Procurement .

Match to Purchase Receipt

LN matches purchase invoices entered in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session with the receipts from Warehousing .

Match to Purchase Consumption

LN matches purchase invoices entered in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session with the consumptions.

Not Applicable
Budget Status

Indicates whether the budget allows this invoice to be processed.

Allowed values

Budget Exception
Not Applicable
Not Finally Checked Yet
  • The invoice can only be processed if the budget status is OK or Not Applicable.
  • If the budget status is Not Finally Checked Yet, from the appropriate menu, select Check Budget.
Tax Consistent

If this check box is selected, the Amount Unassigned is zero and all the tax transaction lines and related matched and additional costs lines comply on both tax code and net amount.

If this check box is cleared, Infor LN does not allow you to submit the invoice for workflow. To approve the invoice, the tax consistency check must be performed.

  • This field is displayed only if:
    • The Tax Consistency Check check box is selected in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session.
    • The Invoice Type is other than Cost Invoice.
Net Amount

The net invoice amount.


The currency in which the net amount is expressed.

Costs to be specified

The amount in case the item group has the Costs to be specified check box selected in the Item Groups (tcmcs0123m000) session.

If this check box is selected, Infor LN displays the self-billed invoices also.

Matched Amount

The amount on the invoice that was already matched to purchase orders or receipts.


The currency in which the matched invoice amount is expressed.

Costs to be specified Transactions

The transaction amount in case the item group has the Costs to be specified check box selected in the Item Groups (tcmcs0123m000) session.

If this check box is selected, Infor LN displays the cost invoices also.

Matched Landed Costs

The landed cost amount that was already matched.

Landed Costs Currency

The currency in which the matched landed costs amount is expressed.

Entered Transactions

The total amount of the cost item and additional costs transactions entered for this invoice in the Matched Purchase Invoice/Statement Line Transactions (tfacp1133s000) session. To enter transactions for an invoice, on the appropriate menu, click Add Costs.

Transaction Currency

The currency in which the entered transaction amount is expressed.

Amount Unassigned

The invoice amount that is still unassigned to purchase orders or cost items. If this amount is zero, the invoice is fully matched.

Unassigned Currency

The currency in which the matched landed costs amount is expressed.

Price Difference

price difference

The price difference is calculated as follows:

price difference = invoiced quantity * (order price per unit - invoice price per unit) 

Invoice Type

Indicates the type of the purchase invoice.

Allowed values

Cost Invoice

The purchase invoice has no link with purchase orders and is posted to the general ledger without being matched to order/receipts. You can enter transaction lines for the invoice in the Transaction Type session.

Invoice Related to Purchase Orders

The purchase invoice is related to one or more purchase orders that are present in LN. The invoice must go through the purchase invoice matching procedure.

Invoice Related to Landed Costs

The purchase invoice is related to one or more landed cost lines that are present in LN. The invoice must go through the purchase invoice matching procedure.

Invoice Related to Freight Orders

The purchase invoice is related to one or more loads or shipments present in Freight . The invoice must go through the purchase invoice matching procedure.


The purchase order number can be used to select receipts in the purchase-invoice matching-procedure. If the invoice refers to a single order, you can enter the order number in this field.

For automatic matching, you must enter the order number. If you do not enter an order number, you can only match the invoice manually.

Packing Slip

The packing slip number.


The load that is associated with the shipment related to the purchase invoice.


The shipment linked to the purchase invoice.

Freight Order Cluster

The freight order cluster number.

Hold Reason

The code of the hold reason to block the selected purchase invoice for processing.

Assigned Approver

The assigned approver who can approve the invoice and remove the hold reason, or approve the price difference and payment of the invoice.

Approve Before

The date before which the invoice must be approved for payment.

Document Date

The date when the purchase invoice is created.

Batch Year/Period

The fiscal year of the batch for the purchase invoices.


The period of the fiscal year of the batch for the purchase invoices.


The number of the batch that is used to post approved invoices to the General Ledger .

Transaction Entry Date

The date when the transaction related to the purchase invoice is entered.


The transaction type that is used for approving the purchase invoice. After you successfully approve the invoice, Infor LN enters the transaction type for approval in this field.

Infor LN creates the financial transactions under this transaction type. This type is only relevant when you use the invoice matching procedure.

Document Approval

The document number that is used to approve the purchase invoice. After you successfully approve the invoice, Infor LN enters a document number in this field.

Infor LN creates the financial transactions under this document number. This number is only relevant when you use the invoice matching procedure.

Batch Year/Period

The fiscal year to which the purchase invoice transactions are linked.


The period of the fiscal year to which the purchase invoice transactions are linked.


The number of the batch that is used to post approved invoices to the General Ledger .

Transaction Entry Date

The date when the transactions related to the batch are entered.


If this check box is selected, a text related to the purchase invoice exists.