MPN Set Details (tdipu0147m000)

Use this session to view and maintain MPN sets.

LN automatically generates an MPN set when you save a purchase order line or purchase schedule line that contains an MPN item. If the MPN set details change, a new MPN set is generated for the purchase order line or purchase schedule line.

On the appropriate menu, you can choose:

  • Modify MPN Set, to modify an MPN set that is linked to a purchase schedule line, or to an approved purchase order line (detail). After the set is modified, you must approve the purchase order again.
  • Set MPN as Preferred MPN, to set the manufacturer part number (MPN) as the preferred MPN in the MPN set.
  • Clear Preferred MPN, to remove the MPN as the preferred MPN from the MPN set.

You can start this session:

  • From the Purchase Order Line MPN Sets (tdpur4601m100) session, by entering or maintaining a line on the MPN Set tab.
  • From the Purchase Schedule Line MPN Sets (tdpur3611m100) session, by entering or maintaining a line on the MPN Set tab.
  • From the Purchase Receipts (tdpur4106m000) session by clicking the MPN Set button.

If you double-click a record, the Manufacturer Part Numbers (tdipu0145m000) session or the Items by MPN (tdipu0149m000) session is started in a read-only mode.

Note: You cannot maintain MPNs in the MPN set after receipts are executed for the purchase order/schedule line.

Field Information

Manufacturer Part Number Set

MPN set


sequence number

Manufacturer Part Number

manufacturer part number (MPN)

