Inspection Orders (qmptc1100m200)

Use session to view inspection order lines, samples and test data specified for an inspection order.

ERP LN defaults the additional information from the Standard Test Procedures (qmptc0110m000)session. If not specified, additional information is defaulted from theItems - Quality Data (qmptc0118m000)session.

Field Information

Inspection Order

The inspection order number.

Skip Lot

Indicates that the inspection of the lot is skipped. You can skip the inspection of a lot using Skip option from the Actions menu.

Standard Test Procedure

The Standard Test Procedure.


The version number of the standard test procedure. When you modify a standard test procedure, LN assigns a new version number.

Test Group

The test group.

Test Type

Indicates the way in which the samples are taken from the order quantity.

Allowed values

Continuous Sampling

This type of sampling only takes place in case of mass production and is used to control processing. After a particular interval, a sample is drawn equally large as the sample size. A decision is taken based on the quality of the sample whether to continue the production or to stop and take corrective action. For this test type, data must be entered in the following fields:

  • - Frequency Unit
  • - Quantity

All items are inspected. The sample size and the order quantity have the same value.

Single Sampling

One sample out of the entire order quantity is inspected.


The frequency at which the inspection is performed.

Frequency Unit

You cannot continue the inspection procedure when your order quantity is less than the frequency quantity (for example, when your order quantity is 40, and your frequency quantity is 50). In such a case, no samples can be generated, and you must decrease the frequency quantity.


The sample size is expressed as a percentage of either the order quantity or the frequency (in case Test Type is set to Continuous Sampling).

Sample Size

The sample size for the quality inspection.

Sample Unit

The unit of the sample size.

Acceptable Quality Level

The maximum percentage of a test sample that can be rejected for the item quantity to be approved. For example, the specified Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) is 20%, ERP LN approves the item quantity only if the rejected quantity is less than or equal to 20%.

Inspection Order Text

Indicates that an inspection order text is available.

Order Specific Test Procedure

Indicates that the standard test procedure for the specified testing combination is executed.

Test Quantity

The part of the sample quantity that is tested. Example A 5 kg sample is tested by testing 1 kg at a time.

Test Unit

The Test Unit of test quantity.


The number of times the iteration has been performed.

Business Partner

The buy-from business partner/ sold-to business partner

Note: If you enter Purchase in the Origin field, you must enter a buy-from business partner in this field. If you entered Sales in the Origin field, you must enter a sold-to business partner in this field.
Inspection Level

The inspection level at which the inspection must be conducted.

Accept Quantity

The part of the sample quantity accepted after testing.

Reject Quantity

The part of the sample quantity rejected after testing.


The result of the inspection.

Sampling Plan

The sampling plan for the inspection order.

Original Inspection Order

The actual inspection order.

Re-Inspection Order

The inspection order which is reopened.

Inspection Severity

The severity level defined for the inspection order.

Order Date

The date on which the inspection order is created.

Conversion Factor Sample Size

The sample size used for the conversion factor.

Completion Date

The date on which the inspection is completed. This date is updated automatically in the Complete and Process Inspection Orders (qmptc1202m000) session and cannot be entered manually.

Sampling Rule

The unique code of the sampling rule.

Inspection Standard

The inspection standard defined for the inspection order.

Number of Iterations

The iterations performed for the sampling plan.


The owner responsible for the inspection order.


Indicates that a text is available