Creating categories and category attributes

  1. Select PLM Data Management > Master Data > Classification Management. The Classification Management (pdadm5600m000) session is displayed.
    Note: Category is auto generated based on Mask.
  2. Select the required classification from the Classification Tree. Possible values:
    • Item Classification
    • Document Classification
  3. Click New in the Classification Tree pane to create new category. The Categories Tree (pdadm5100m100) session is displayed.
  4. Specify the category and category name.
  5. Click OK. A new category capacitor is added.
    Note: For each category, the attributes are added in the grid on the right side. All the attributes created at the parent level are inherited by all the child attributes.
  6. Click New on the right pane.
  7. Specify this information for the category:
    Attribute Name
    The name of the category attribute.
    Attribute Type
    The type of the category attribute. Possible values:
    • Measurement: The unit of measure.
    • Number: Use this field to specify numeric value.
    • List: Use this option to allow user to create a pick list value. To define the options in the pick list, click more options and specify the options in the User Defined Types window.
    • Text: Use this option to allow user for text box. You can limit the text characters using the Value Length field.
    • Date: Use this field to display a calendar box for the user to select a date.
    • Boolean: Use this field to display Yes or No values.