Defining conditions for the mask

  1. Specify the mask name such as object (item).
  2. Enter the condition number as 10.
  3. Select one of the options from And or Or.
  4. Select the field name from the PLM table fields. For example – pdpdm100.crby (Created by)
  5. Select the operator such as =.
  6. Specify the value from the Users (pdadm1500m000) session. For example, PLMADMIN
  7. Click Save.
    • You can define multiple conditions for a Mask.
    • A new PLM item is created in the PLM Items (pdpdm1500m000) session.
    • The conditions defined in the Masks (pdadm6501m000) session are displayed on the Change Management tab in the PLM Item (pdpdm1600m000) session.