Configuring HTTPS using nginx

Prerequisites for this task are

  • Create a certificate for the server to Kisters in https.
  • Extract the Certificate Name & Key from the generated certificate. This can be done by System Administrator.

After the above information is ready, proceed with below steps.

  1. Download nginx zip file from
  2. Extract the zip file and open the nginx.conf file from the ~/conf/ nginx.conf.
  3. Copy and change values highlighted in yellow with correct information:
       listen <YOUR PORT NUMBER> ssl;
       server_name <HOSTNAME>; 
       ssl_certificate <CERTIFICATE NAME>;
    	ssl_certificate_key <CERTIFICATE KEY>;
       location / {
          #proxy_redirect  off;
    		# WebSocket support
    		proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    		proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
  4. Add the changed information of Step3 above in the nginx.conf file, in the http {} section.
  5. Access the command prompt with Run as Administrator.
  6. Change the directory as cd <nginx folder path>.
  7. Specify nginx.exe and press enter.
  8. Test the website with the https configuration: <change to the correct URL >