Viewing PLM Data

While working on a Autodesk Inventor file that already exists in PLM, you may want to look into the PLM data related to the file and its components.

In Autodesk Inventor, to view the relevant PLM data, proceed as follows:

  1. On the PLM menu, select Show Metadata.

    The Attributes for File-Documents-Items Objects dialog box is displayed.

    The default tab, File, displays the PLM data of all the files that are part of your Autodesk Inventor structure.

  2. Click the Documents tab to display the PLM document data related to your Autodesk Inventor part file.
  3. Click the Items tab to display the PLM Item data related to your Autodesk Inventor files.

    Attributes for File-Documents-Items - Commands

    • Save

      Saves the meta data details that are displayed in the local system. By default the files are saved in the Edit Location defined in the integration parameters.

      Whenever you click Save, PLM creates separate .txt files for: Item, Document and File metadata. The file names are in the following format:

      • ITEM_<RootFilename.extn_ MetaData_<date>_<time>.txt
      • DOC_<RootFilename.extn_ MetaData_<date>_<time>.txt
      • FILE_<RootFilename.extn_ MetaData_<date>_<time>.txt