Full data download

If you are accessing LN Mobile Service for the first time, you must perform a full data download. In which case, all the relevant master data such as items, warehouses, business partners, addresses, service types and the transactional data, such as service orders assigned to the engineer, is retrieved from Infor LN.

Do the following to activate a full download:

  • Windows devices: Click on the option Send/Receive in the top bar, check the Full Data Download check box and click Send/Receive.
  • Android/iOS devices: Click on the option Send/Receive in the menu and click on the button Full Data Download.

The window displays the progress of the send and receive actions. A full data download erases all the local data and reads it again from LN.

  • A full data download could take considerable time. It is recommended to perform this action only if the connection to LN is fast and stable.
  • A full data download erases all local changes that have not yet been sent to LN.
  • A full data download is only required once: the very first time Mobile Service is started and connects with LN. After the first full data download finished all applicable data changes in the app or in LN are synchronized during automatically or manually started synchronizations. After the first full data download, a full data download is required only if Mobile Service indicates it.
  • Dependent on the Retention Period defined in session Generic Parameters (tcgen0100m000), a full download is done automatically if a regular synchronization was not done for a long time.