Synchronization Performance

This appendix provides some advice on how to reduce the amount of data synchronization and some advice on how to improve the performance of the app.

The performance of the data synchronization between LN and Mobile Service is influenced by a lot of factors, like for example the properties of the network and the LN UI Server. Another factor is the amount of data to be synchronized. The amount of data can be reduced by disabling functionality that the Mobile Service user is not using, or by eliminating data the user is not needing.

Some settings can have a negative impact on the performance of the app itself.

Following are several advices to improve the (synchronization) performance:

In LN:

  • In the Service User Template (tsdmd1160m000/tsmdm1660m000) it is possible to define which functionality the service engineer is using in Mobile Service. Unselect one or more of the following options if you are not using the functionality in Mobile Service:
    • Item Inventory

      This option is available from LN CE 2019.09 onwards. For older releases, a different solution is available. See KB 2047213 on the Infor Support Portal.

    • Bench Stock

      Available in LN 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 and from LCE 2021.01 onwards.

    • Ordered Materials

      Available in LN 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 and from LCE 2020.07 onwards.

    • Installations

      Available in LN 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 and from LCE 2021.01 onwards.

    • Physical Breakdown

      Available in LN 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 and from LCE 2020.07 onwards.

  • Mobile Service uses authorized warehouses for Bench Stock, Ordered Materials by Service Car and for Materials. In the Service User Template (tsdmd1160m000/tsmdm1660m000) it is possible to define authorized warehouses. By unselecting the Use All Warehouses option the Warehouse Authorizations tab is enabled. This makes it possible to define authorized warehouses. Only define and authorize (car) warehouses that you use for Bench Stock, Ordered Materials by Service Car and/or for materials. At least define the service car warehouse(s) that you are using. This reduces the amount of data for Bench Stock and Ordered Materials.

In Mobile Service:

  • If the Send and receive data automatically setting is enabled, then set the ‘automatic receive interval’ to 0 or to a high value (for example to 240 minutes).
    During the ‘automatic receive interval’, changed data in LN is synchronized to the app. This synchronization is done besides the regular synchronization from the app to LN which does not only send changed data from the app to LN, but also receives changed LN data. By setting the ‘automatic receive interval’ to 0 or to a high value, the number of synchronizations decreases.
    Note: The regular synchronization is defined by the Automatic send interval (Windows) or is done at suitable times (Android/iOS).
  • Disable the Refresh application labels at startup option.

    This option is located in Menu > Settings > Send and Receive.

    There is no need to refresh the application labels every time the app is started: a new version of the app automatically refreshes the labels if needed. One exception to this is the installation of a new language pack. The application labels need to be refreshed after the installation of a new language pack. This refresh can be done by clicking the Refresh Application Labels Now button, or by temporarily activating the ‘Refresh application labels at startup’. The latter can also be done by the administrator via the App Settings File. Disable the option again after the labels have been refreshed.

  • Disable Automatically download documents setting or set the Download documents for option to Orders for today and the following period and enter a low number of days.
    Note: Documents can always be downloaded manually when they are needed.
  • Disable the Automatically download serial history for active visits option.
    Note: Serial history information can always be download manually when the information is needed.
  • Make sure Support setting Log Level is set to Errors. The other options make the app significantly slower and should only be temporarily set when an Infor support analyst requests it.