Tax Regimes

Corresponds to the coding of the different types of Tax Regimes (applied to taxpayers in Colombia).
This functionality defines the default withholdings to be applied in these regimes. For Example:
  • Large Self-withholding Taxpayer Regime.
  • Large Taxpayer Non Self-withholding Regime
  • Common Regime
  • Simplified Regime
  • Regime: Numeric or alphanumeric code.
  • Description: Name of the Regime corresponding to the code.
Code Description Path
lpcol0106m000 Tax Regimes Localization/Colombia/Master Data/Withholding Management/ Tax Regimes

Tax regimes

Data to be defined, fields:
  • Regime: Code and description of the Regime created in the previous screen.
  • Withholding Code: Withholding code, predetermined for this tax regime code.
  • Withholding code classification: Type of withholding; Withholding at source, VAT withholding, ICA withholding.

tax regime withholding lines