Return supplier invoice

To process the return supplier invoice:

  1. Access the Fiscal Documents 360 (lpbra3600m000) session, select Supplier Return of Goods and the return purchase order in the second and third segments of the Source Document field respectively, and click Apply Filter.
  2. Select the billable line of the return purchase order with a Source Type of Supplier Return of Goods on the Billable Lines > General tab and click Actions > Compose Invoice. The Invoice Line Status is updated to Ready to Submit.
  3. Select the outbox line on the Outbox Order tab and click Actions > Submit to External Invoice. The invoice line Status is updated to Submitted to External System.
  4. Verify that the invoice document is generated and the related fiscal reference number is updated in the Fiscal Reference field on the Fiscal Document tab.
  5. Access the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session and click Go to Details related to the invoice document. The Invoicing (btsli2100m900) session is displayed.
  6. Verify that the Invoicing Fiscal Document Type is Return of Goods to Supplier in the Document Data section.
  7. Verify that the fiscal invoice document is selected in the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session and click Actions > Process. The Compose/Print/Post Invoices (btsli2200m100) session is displayed.
  8. Verify that the Print check box is selected in the Options section and click Continue. The Transferred Fiscal Documents Report is generated and the Invoice Status is updated to Printed.
  9. Verify that the fiscal invoice is selected in the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session and click Actions > Electronic Fiscal Document > Process NFe Return to request for the return of electronic invoice. The Process Electronic Invoice Return (btnfe8220m000) session is displayed.
  10. Review the data and click Process. The Authorized Electronic Fiscal Document report is generated and the invoice is integrated with the order.
  11. Click New on the Transaction Types tab in the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session to create a credit note for the return purchase order.
  12. Select APC (transaction type with a Transaction Category of Purchase Credit Notes and a Transaction Subcategory of Credit Notes) in the Transaction Type field and press Tab.
  13. Click Go to Details related to the APC transaction type line. The Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session is displayed.
  14. Verify that Invoice Related to Purchase Orders in the Invoice Type field.
  15. Select the return purchase order in the Order field of the Order section and specify the total schedule amount in the Amount field to match the original invoice transaction amount.
  16. Select Actions > Matching > Match Order. The Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000) session is displayed.
  17. Select the return purchase order line and click Match Selected Orders.
  18. Verify that the Invoice Status is updated to Matched and the Amount Unassigned is updated in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session.
  19. Specify the applicable taxes data on the Additional Costs tab to match the unallocated balance with the full amount of payment schedule.
  20. Verify that the Amount Unassigned is updated to 0.00 and click Approve to approve the invoice.
    Note: If the business partner who purchased the material does not generate the credit note, the application allows the business partner to generate the ACR document and receive the material manually.
  21. Click New on the Transaction Types tab in the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session to write off the original purchase order using the credit note generated for the return purchase order.
  22. Select APA (transaction type with a Transaction Category of Purchase Corrections and a Transaction Subcategory of Assign Credit Notes) in the Transaction Type field and press Tab.
  23. Click Go to Details related to the APA transaction type line. The Assign Credit Notes to Invoices – Search window is displayed.
  24. Specify the required data in the Business Partner and the Transaction Type fields to search the credit note and click OK. The Assign Credit Notes to Invoices (tfacp2120m000) session is displayed with the credit notes generated for the selected business partner.
  25. Select the credit note (APC) transaction line and click Assign Invoices to Credit Notes. The Assign Invoices/Schedules to Credit Notes (tfacp2121s000) session is displayed.
  26. Select the invoice schedule line and click Actions > Assign Invoice Schedules to Credit Notes. The Assign Invoice Schedules to Credit Notes (tfacp2122s000) session is displayed.
  27. Specify the amount to be deducted from the invoice in the Linked Amount in Invoice Currency field.
  28. Select the invoice schedule line and click Actions > Confirm Assignment to Schedules. The Assign Invoices/Schedules to Credit Notes (tfacp2121s000) session is displayed.
  29. Select the transaction line and click Assign. The Document Numbers (tfcmg2114s000) session is displayed.
  30. Select the series for the invoice document in the Document Series field and click OK. Verify that the APA document is generated and the assignment is added to the document which is used to write off the credit note from the open entries document to be paid.