Reversal of the electronic invoice

If the invoice has status greater than printed and is required to be canceled, a request must be created for the reversal of the invoice in the Tax Engine.

To create and process the reversal of an electronic invoice:

  1. Select the fiscal invoice with the Invoice Status of Posted in the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session and click Actions > Electronic Fiscal Doc. Generate NFe Cancellation/Withdrawal Request. The Generate NFe Cancellation/Withdrawal Request (btnfe1206m000) session ois displayed.
  2. Verify that the fiscal reference is displayed in the Fiscal Reference field, select the reason for the invoice reversal in the Reason Code field and click Process. The request is generated for the reversal of invoice.
  3. Verify that the NFe Status is updated to Reverse Request and NFe Sending Status is updated to Not Applicable in the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session.
  4. Verify that the fiscal invoice is selected and click Actions > Electronic Fiscal Doc. Process to request the return authorization for cancellation. The Process Electronic Invoice Return (btnfe8220m000) session is displayed.
  5. Review the data and click Process. The Authorized Electronic Fiscal Document report is generated that indicates the NFe ID.
  6. Verify that the NFe Sending Status is updated to Canceled for the fiscal invoice in the Invoicing (btsli2100m000)session.
  7. Verify that the fiscal invoice is selected and clickActions > Reverse. The Reverse Invoicing (btsli2200m000) session is displayed.
  8. Review the data and click Reverse. The fiscal invoice reversal is processed. The Invoice Status is updated to Reversed.
  9. Repeat the steps 1 - 8 for the triangular shipment invoice.
  10. Verify that the invoice data and the related third-party balance is updated in the Invoicing Order Lines Invoiced/Shipped Balance Control (btfdc0560m000) session.