Purchase order matching

The purchase invoice matching process must be performed manually by matching the invoice to the purchase order.

  1. 1 Click New on the Transaction Types tab in the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session.
  2. 2 Select API in the Transaction Type field and press Tab.
  3. 3 Click Go to Details for the API transaction type. The Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session is displayed.
  4. 4 Verify that Invoice Related to Purchase Orders is selected in the Invoice Type field.
  5. 5 Select the purchase order in the Order field of the Order section and specify the total amount of the document in the Amount field including the applicable taxes.
  6. 6 Select Actions > Matching > Match Order. The Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000) session is displayed.
  7. 7 Select the purchase order line and click Match Selected Orders. The Invoice Status is updated to Matched and the Amount Unassigned is updated.
  8. 8 Select the appropriate ledger account in the Ledger Account field on the Additional Costs tab to assign the taxes and match the remaining unallocated balance.
  9. 9 Verify that the Amount Unassigned is updated to 0.00 and click Approve to approve the invoice. The Invoice Status is updated to Approved and the matching process is complete.