
The matching process must be done manually.

  1. Click Go to DetailsAPI transaction type in the for the Transaction Entry (tfgld1140m000) for the session. The Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session is displayed.
  2. Verify that Invoice Related to Purchase Orders is selected in the Invoice Type field.
  3. Specify the required data in the invoice header considering the local taxes and select Actions > Matching > Match Receipt. The Match Purchase Receipt Lines (tfacp2544m000) session is displayed.
  4. Select the receipt lines and click Match Selected Receipts.
    Note: The Invoices Status is updated to Matched and the unassigned balance is updated in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session.

    The Additional Costs tab in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session displays the posting data related to the localized taxes.

  5. Click Approve to approve the purchase invoice. The Invoice Status is updated to Approved.