Symbolic Return Consigned Material

Based on the consumption identified from the consigned inventory, LN creates a billable line in the Fiscal Documents (lpbra3600m000) session to issue a Symbolic Return Invoice. This invoice line must be composed and submitted to the Tax Engine for processing.

To process the symbolic return of consigned material:

  1. Select the billable line on the Billable Lines tab in the Fiscal Documents (lpbra3600m000) session and click Actions > Compose Invoice . The billable line Status is updated to Ready to Submit.
  2. Select the invoice line on the Outbox Order tab in the Fiscal Documents (lpbra3600m000) session and click Actions > Submit to External System. The Invoice Status is updated to Submitted to External System.
  3. Verify the generated reference of the invoice in the Fiscal Reference field on the Fiscal Document tab.
  4. Verify the fiscal document details in the Document Data section of the Invoicing (btsli2100m900) session.
  5. Select the invoice line on the Lines tab in the Invoicing (btsli2100m900) session and click Actions > Lines – Details to view the invoice line details. The Lines – Details (btsli2101m900) session is displayed.
  6. Verify that the data of the third party is automatically updated on the Third Party Return tab in the Lines – Details (btsli2101m900) session.
  7. Print the electronic invoice.
  8. Select an invoice and click Actions > Process > Electronic Fiscal Doc. > Process NFe Return in the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session. The Process NFe Return (btnfe8220m000) session is displayed.
  9. Click Process to request for the return of electronic invoice and integrate the accounting entries.