Commissions and Rebates

Many companies motivate their relations by rewarding their sales performance. This can increase sales, which improves the competitive position of the company.

The following rewards are available:

  • Commissions
  • Rebates

Commissions and rebates are based on accurate information about sales orders, the relation who is responsible for the sales order, the relation's sales performance, and the link between performance and reward.

  • Master data

    Before you can use any of the commissions and rebates procedures, you must specify the master data, such as relations, agreement groups, and relation teams.
  • Calculating commissions and rebates

    If commissions and rebates are used, the calculation of commissions and rebates is a mandatory procedure.
  • Reserving commissions and rebates

    You can reserve the calculated commissions for Financials and the calculated rebates for Invoicing, or you can reserve them for an external financial package.
  • Paying commissions to employees

    The payment of reserved commissions to employees is performed by your company's payroll department. You must generate a report that includes the commissions that you must pay to an employee.
  • Commissions and rebates history

    The historical records pertaining to the calculation of commissions and rebates are stored separately from the commission and rebate records. You can use these history records to determine which actions were performed on the commissions and rebates. Historical records also provide a summary of the paid commissions and rebates.